Friday, March 26, 2010

Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing #65 at the National Gallery of Art

Want to challenge your kids on the notion of what is and what is not art? Visit Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing #65 on view in the East Building of National Gallery of Art . If your kids are like many, they are likely to look at the drawing and shout, "Hey, I can do that!" And they would be right.

Sol LeWitt had a different notion of art than did many artists of his time and before. LeWitt liked the temporal nature of line drawings. Although LeWitt carefully planned his drawings. The art itself was created using groups of workers under his supervision, rather than toiling alone in his studio as is typical of many artists. LeWitt saw himself as more of a conductor than a soloist and so his art demanded that it could, in fact, be created by anyone.

So the next question that kids inevitable ask is, "what is that work doing in a museum? Especially since it looks like it could have been done by a kid!" Exploring the answer to these questions is where adults and children alike can really explore what constitutes art.

Wall Drawing #65 was a gift from Dorothy and Herbert Vogel. Wall Drawing #65 was installed in the National Gallery of Art in 2004 on a wall in the Concourse galleries around the corner from the East Building, Small Auditorium. As is typical of LeWitt, the drawing was planned in advance and then assembled in the National Gallery of Art by a team of workers under LeWitt's supervision. It took eight days for LeWitt and his team to create Wall Drawing #65, a work on a white wall using red, yellow, blue, and black colored pencil.

The National Gallery of Art, located on the National Mall between 3rd and 7th Streets at Constitution Avenue NW, is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

To see other items in the National Gallery of Art' collection of LeWitt's work click here. For more information on Sol LeWitt and a review of the huge of the Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective see, Sol LeWitt at Mass MoCA.

Photo: Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing #65

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